A Java enum is an arbitrary set of values that are stored in a specific order. Javaenum是按照特定顺序保存的随意的值集合。
The load file set file scan retain the original slot file names, since it is not required to have a specific order for processing. 加载文件集的文件扫描保了留原始的数据槽文件名,因为并不需要按照特定顺序处理文件。
Therefore, in this example, the customer ID as well as the order ID is required to find a specific order. 所以,在该例中,客户ID以及订单ID是查找特定订单所必需的。
These occur in a specific order and timing – with a 这些都发生在一个特定的顺序和时机上&产生
Therefore, when these test plans were created, they were prefixed with a two-digit numeral so that they appear listed in a specific order. 因此,当这些测试计划被创建的时候,它们将被添加上两个阿拉伯数字作为前缀,以便显示在一个以特定顺序排列的列表中。
This can easily change with a new Python interpreter, so it's important that you never rely on items being in a specific order within a dictionary. 新的Python解释器很容易改变这一次序,所以一定不要依赖于元素在dictionary中的特定次序。
The customer class contains a method to create a new order and to find a specific order or to find all existing orders associated with a customer. 客户类包含一个用于创建新订单的方法,以及一个查找特定订单或者查找与某一客户相关的所有现有订单的方法。
It is expected that web services can be dynamically and automatically discovered, composed, and invoked in a specific order to fulfill particular tasks. 此时有望可以按照完成特定任务所需的特定顺序对Web服务进行自动地动态发现、组合和调用。
Well, a business process is an implementation of a service component that consists of a series of steps or activities that are run in a specific order. 业务流程是由按特定顺序运行的一系列步骤或活动组成的服务组件的实现。
Server affinity implies that messages in an application must be processed in a specific order, which has to be guaranteed by a single server processing the messages. 服务器关联性意味着应用程序上的消息必须按照特定的顺序进行处理,这只有通过单个服务器处理消息才能得到保证。
This protocol is also a bit more complicated, because the provided and required service functional capabilities must be invoked and responded to in a specific order. 这一服务规范稍微有些复杂,这是因为被提供和被要求的服务的功能性必须以一个指定的顺序被调用和响应。
In the single module project approach each module is built separately and in a specific order to resolve the dependencies. 在单模块项目方法中,每个模块都是单独构建的,并按照特定顺序来分析依赖关系。
You can also use SOQL queries to count the number of records that meet a search criterion and sort the results in a specific order. 您还可以使用SOQL查询来统计满足查询条件的记录数量并可以对结果进行特定的排序。
For example, it may be necessary to find the process instance by the specific order number. 例如,可能需要通过特定的订单号寻找流程实例。
Candidates for Process flow behavioral sub types handle activities and decisions in a specific order and imply a requirement for invoking an appropriate action at each activity in the process. ProcessFlow行为子类型候选以特定的顺序并隐含一个在过程中每个活动上调用合适的操作的需求来处理活动和决策。
You should notice that in the above diagram every significant step in the process is identified and fit into a workflow that defines the specific order in which those steps must be completed. 您会注意到上面的图中,流程中的每个重要步骤都被标识出来,且与定义了特定顺序(每个步骤都必须按这个顺序完成)的工作流一致。
The dynamic portion of the e-mail body is all the information pertaining to a specific order from a specific customer. 电子邮件正文的动态部分是与来自某个特定客户的特定定单有关的所有信息。
Solution: Set priorities, with everything in specific order. 解决方法:设定优先顺序,有序的做每件事。
The layered approach to reducing spam refers to the configuration of several anti-spam and antivirus features that filter inbound messages in a specific order. 减少垃圾邮件的分层途径是指几个按特定顺序筛选入站邮件的反垃圾邮件及防病毒功能配置。
Do not assume that variables will be passed in any specific order. 参数在任何具体订单中不会传递。
In the specific invoice method, the merchandise on hand may be identified to a specific order and the actual cost may be obtained from the purchase invoice. 在单个发票确认法中,手中的商品可以被作为单独的定单,而实际成本可以从采购发票中获得。
In the new study, Galan and colleagues identify what they call a bacterial sorting platform, which attracts needed proteins and lines them up in a specific order. 在新的研究中,Galan和同事确定了一种称作细菌排序平台的机制可以吸引所需的蛋白质并将它们排成特定的序列。
If there are two or more suffixes, the suffixes must occur in a specific order. 如果有两个或更多的后缀,后缀必须按照一个特定的顺序出现。
To access conversations, the Fisa court had to issue a specific order. 要获取通话内容,Fisa法庭必须发出专门指令。
Input and output don't necessarily go in a specific order. 输入和输出并不一定以某种特殊的秩序进行。
These items allow Link to reach new areas, so you have to attain them in a specific order. 这些物品让林克到达新的地区,所以你只能按照特定顺序得到它们。
A set of members returned in a specific order. 以特定顺序返回的成员集。
So if you're trying to track down a specific order's payment data you can zero in by date or by payment period. 所以,如果您尝试追踪特定订单的支付数据,您可以调整日期或支付期限。
An ordered test contains other tests that you want to run in a specific order. 顺序测试包含要以特定顺序运行的其他测试。
For example, you might want to display the orders for a specific customer or the details of a specific order. 例如,您可能希望显示特定客户的订单或特定订单的详细信息。